About Stephanie Crawford and Associates

Why would you need an SCA speech pathologist?

At Stephanie Crawford and Associates, we support your child to develop functional communication skills. We help children of any age develop their language skills (what they can say and understand). If your child is experiencing speech difficulties (sounds in words), including dyspraxia, we support them to develop their speech so they are intelligible to all listeners.

We work with children who are non-verbal to establish a functional method of communication (e.g. signing or an electronic device). We are experienced in the implementation and use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems. We create individualized visuals to support children with dyspraxia, learning difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorders and other conditions.

The speech pathologists at SCA are experienced in pragmatic language. Pragmatic language refers to the social communication skills required to interact appropriately with others. Pragmatic language includes what we say, how we say it and how appropriate it is to the given situation. Pragmatic language also includes the non-verbal aspects of communication (e.g. body language and facial expressions). These skills are vital for communicating and interpreting thoughts, ideas and feelings. People on the Autism Spectrum experience varying levels of difficulty with these skills. We help your child work on the underlying language skills needed to understand, manage and participate appropriately in day-to-day social interactions.

Our Services

We offer one-on-one assessment and therapy for individuals with a range of needs. We are experienced in supporting people with the following communication difficulties:

– Autism
– Developmental Delays
– Language delays and disorders
– Learning difficulties
– Cerebral Palsy
– Down’s Syndrome
– Social Skills

Our Approach

We aim to work closely with families, carers and school staff, as well as other health care professionals involved with clients, to achieve the best possible therapy outcomes. By integrating a family’s knowledge of the client with the assessments we provide, therapy is tailored specifically to the client’s individual needs.

The overall aim for the therapy we provide is to educate and empower families to support the client and provide them with functional home practice activities.

Wherever possible, families are asked to be active participants in the therapy sessions. When this is not possible (e.g. if therapy is conducted at school), notes and recommendations are sent to the parents, and regular communication is encouraged between caregivers so that everyone is aware of the goals targeted, therapy activities and home practice.

We believe that therapists are best used as trainers and educators, demonstrating activities and strategies that can be used with the client.